25 Year Customer Testimonials

We have been using In-House Freight for the past 25 years, and continue to be impressed with their excellent service and competitive pricing.  Dave and his team are continually working on our behalf to reduce our freight costs, while ensuring quality transport companies are moving our goods, and delivering them on time and without damage. Although issues are rare, the odd time an incident arises, In-House is quick to react and get a resolution. Thank you In-House for your continuing hard work on our behalf.

Mike Roberts

Senior Director of Sales and Brand Management /
Purity Life Health Products LP

Win Chemicals Ltd. has been a customer of In-House Freight for over 25 years. The amazing logistics team at In-House has sourced carriers for Win since the infancy of the company. As a young company we needed a shipping partner that could provide high-level service, consistently competitive pricing and a willingness to work closely with us to move our products throughout North America. In-House has provided all of these things and more.  Rose, Melanie and Dave are always a phone call away and eager to help with any challenge; from finding the best rates to getting your time-sensitive shipments to their destinations quickly and safely. And while most logistics companies are treating their customers like numbers, In-House provides the personals touches that make them unique.Efficient, friendly, and honest, they will meet all your needs. It’s always been a pleasure to work with the In-House team.

Brad Myers

Logistics manager /  WIN CHEMICALS LTD.